all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 8PR 26 0 53.482034 -2.363705
M30 8AA 19 0 53.489891 -2.357941
M30 8AB 1 1 53.487757 -2.368081
M30 8AE 24 0 53.48987 -2.356072
M30 8AF 20 0 53.490874 -2.356909
M30 8AG 30 0 53.490948 -2.362125
M30 8AJ 36 0 53.490384 -2.355519
M30 8AN 4 1 53.491519 -2.357683
M30 8AP 23 2 53.493122 -2.356233
M30 8AQ 14 0 53.490329 -2.361848
M30 8AR 3 2 53.491862 -2.356978
M30 8AS 14 0 53.489392 -2.356535
M30 8AT 22 0 53.489668 -2.357382
M30 8AU 18 0 53.490318 -2.356332
M30 8AW 79 1 53.490153 -2.360581
M30 8AY 51 1 53.491418 -2.36127
M30 8AZ 21 0 53.490753 -2.364218
M30 8BB 46 0 53.489965 -2.363292
M30 8BD 47 1 53.491597 -2.361512
M30 8BE 13 0 53.490995 -2.364431